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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Child's Play

Cars is one of the toys of Boys since they were Child until they become Adults. Why I write this  is because like Love. We sometimes Obsess in a certain person just like any other men who were obsessed in they're Cars Collection. We may sometimes feel obsession toward a person. We give sometimes more effort to get a person and once we get it we feel sometimes obsessed . We don't want to lose it after all you give all your effort so that when we get it. We don't want to lose it forever.

Obsession is not an excuse to kill yourself but use it as your protection to your love one.

Someday Obsession will failed. But Being Obsessed with someone is bad but we can't control it. 'Coz no matter how good our intention. remember over and lack is bad... So be Moderate in Loving and Protecting so that no Regret will happen. :))

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